Beauty to suffocation!The spirit of the Red Leaf Festival Photography Competition award-winning list!

In the late October, the Spirit village in the Red Leaf Yan value Peak period, held the first national photographic contest, our contribution page, completely by the great works of the powerful occupation!Today, finally ushered in your long-awaited awards!

Awards link

After reviewing and voting enthusiastically,

Finally produced the following award list, come and claim it,

Must look carefully Oh!

1 First Prize
Zhen Shi Shan
659 votes
* $2000 worth of Spirit Village Scenic Area consumption card and certificate
Second Prize 3
A red
322 votes
273 votes
Red Leaves falling water
182 votes
* $1000 worth of Spirit Village Scenic Area consumption card and certificate
5 Prize
LL's work
133 votes
The gorgeous autumn
98 votes
Red leaves like fire
52 votes
49 votes
Liu Ting
36 votes
* $500 worth of Spirit Village Scenic Area consumption card and certificate
Outstanding Award 20
The splendid 183****8109 of life, the autumn language of leaves 136****4956 home spirits red 133****6616, Autumn rhyme 180****4455

The forest is dyed, the Wanshan red 138****8297

The beauty of the red leaves has the spirit 155****7698

Tri Hongmin 136****1654, Chen Canal 186****4807

Li Hongli 185****8990, Han Jiando 158****7788

Aijun 152****7899, Ma Dongli 138****8620

Zhaojiang 155****7600, Shanlin Kang 134****4970

Zhang Xudong 137****0802, Chen 139****5848/185****1150

Yang Honli 136****3630, Guo Wanchu 139****0818

Liu Xiejuan 138****5566, Wang Lei 139****4106

* $120 per person for the Spirit Village Ski Resort

Congratulations to the winners!

Hurry and small weave to see the spirit of the village is beautiful!

Some excellent works to enjoy:

Deep Mountains and Dan Qiu, the spirit of the United States in storied dyeing, original silence.

Pick up the camera can always catch a bright color.

The wise man Leshan, benevolence of the water, the spirit of the United States also hidden in the landscape charm.

Of course, the spirit of the village is also beautiful in the multicolored, beautiful scenery of the good!

When she was flowers, she smiled in the bushes.”

It is said that the gods and cheongsam more matching oh ~ Natural big stage, is so capricious

How to shoot Yes! 

Use the camera to find a ghost village you've never seen before! 

Finally, a photographer digs up the new attraction Town rocks!What do you look like?

How to receive the prize

Spirit Village Scenic Area staff have been called to contact the recipient of the above-mentioned award, please bring ID card, in time to the Tourist service center to receive prizes, the prizes must be in my presence to receive, if necessary, the generation of the person must also carry identity card.Enquiry Tel: 0379-66139888

is not their work amazing to the award-winning small partners don't be discouraged, small weave secretly tell you, we will follow the same wonderful activities yo, please look forward to it!

Autumn Tours

All over the city through the highway to the spirit of the village Scenic Area:

Luoyang Direction: Shan station Zheng Lu---Yongning Avenue-Concentric Road--Ning Ningda Road--Valley God Road--Spirit Village Scenic Area

Xi ' An direction: West Tong High Speed--Lian Huo high speed--three high speed--Zhenglu high Speed--Yongning Avenue--Concentric road--Ning Ningda Road----Valley God Road--Spirit Village Scenic Area

Zhengzhou direction: Zheng Shaolo High speed (Huo high-speed)--Zhenglu high Speed--Spirit village (3h, 230km)

Luanchuan direction: Luo Luan High Speed--Ninglo high Speed--Zhenglu high Speed--Yongning Avenue--Concentric road--Ning Ningda Road--Jian-shen Road--Spirit Village scenic spot

Yuncheng direction: Transport three high speed--Lian Huo High speed--Zhenglu high Speed--Yongning Avenue--Concentric road--Ning Ningda Road--Valley God Road--Spirit Village scenic spot

Sanmenxia direction: Lingbao East Station High Speed--three high speed--Zhenglu high Speed--Yongning road--Concentric road--Ning Ningda Road--Valley God Road--Spirit Village scenic spot

Sanmenxia direction (low-speed): Sanmenxia Station East Road (310 National Road)--the intersection of 249 Provincial Road--palace front Township--small Sector township--Gully Township--Spirit Village Scenic Area

More travel information,

Please pay attention to the Spirit Village Scenic Area Micro-letter public number, official website

Scenic Area Consultation Tel: 0379-66139888